Friday, September 2, 2011

Bhagavad Gita Verse 21-22, Chapter 1

Arjuna uvaacha
senyorubhyormadhye ratham sthaapaya mechyuta | 21 |
yaavadetaannireeksheham yoddhukaamaanvasthitaan |
kairmayaa saha yodhdhavyamasminranasamudyame || 22 ||

Arjuna said: O infallible one, in preparation for combat, position my chariot between the two armies till I have surveyed those battle-hungry warriors with whom I have to fight.
senyorubhyormadhye : between both armies
ratham : chariot
sthaapaya : place
achyuta : infallible
yaavat: till I
etaan : those warriors
nireeksheham : I can observe/survey
yoddhukaamaanuavasthitaan : organized for battle
kaihamayaa : whom I have to
saha : with
yodhdhavyam : fight
asminranasamudyame : in preparation for combat
And so begins the conversation between Arjuna and Shri Krishna. At this point, Arjuna was firmly in control of the situation, and like any determined warrior, he commanded his charioteer to carry out his instructions.
Similar to the analysis of Duryodhana's emotional state from the previous verses, let us analyze Arjuna's state. Here, it is clear that he was charged up for war, his warrior instincts had kicked into high gear, and he was bursting with self-confidence.
Another point to consider here is how much, like Arjuna, we rely on our sense organs to deliver the right information to our brain so that we can take the right decision and carry out the necessary action that a situation demands. Our sense organs comprise our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. Any information that we process must necessarily come from one of these organs. Arjuna was located at some distance from the opposing army, so he knew that he needed to get a better look at the opposing army, and therefore have all the information he needs to make his battle plans.
Sense organs and understanding how they function is a topic that will be discussed at great length in the rest of the Gita.

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